
 I hope this blog provides a unique insight into the past.

Thank you for your time and support! 

I hold authorship over every post on this site. Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer.

      Louie P. Gallo

11 Comments Add yours

  1. texicana2013 says:

    Thanks for following my blog (myschoolofthought.com)

    1. Thank you very much for your time and support! Spread the word for me(:

  2. Thank you for the follow, I looked back and liked what I saw, I will be in your peanut gallery cheering you on.

    Careful of my pompoms…

    1. Thanks for the support!!! I’ll do the same!!

  3. I enjoy learning about historical events and people and I’m looking forward to reading more interesting stories.

    1. Thanks! 😀 I shall keep the intriguing stories coming!

  4. bryandumas says:

    Thanks for the like an follow. Kindred spirits in the world of history. I look forward to reading more of your work.

    1. No problem! And, same here. 😀 Thanks!

  5. AJ says:

    hey there i nominated you for a Shout Out Award

    1. Hey! I can’t thank you enough for your kind words!!! It definitely motivates me to write more, and it shows that at least someone is getting enjoyment out of my writing. Thank you again for your support and time! 😀

      1. AJ says:

        Nice. You’re quite welcome. 😁

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